CAL BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECTIONS FOR General Topics: Language of Jesus

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CAL Bibliography for LangJesus


Roberts, Alexander, Discussions on the Gospels in Two Parts. . Cambridge and London: Macmillan and Co., 1864. LangJesus

Böhl, E., Forschungen nach einer Volksbibel zur Zeit Jesu und deren Zusammenhang mit der Septuaginta-àœbersetzung. . Vienna: , 1873. LangJesus

Delitzsch, F., Saat der Hoffnüng. . : , 1874. LangJesus New Testament

Delitzsch, F., "àœber die palästinische Volkssprache, welche Jesus und seine Jünger geredet haben." Daheim 27 (1874): . LangJesus

Delitzsch, F., "Traces of the Vernacular Tongue in the Gospels." Hebrew Student 1-2 (1882-1883): 81– ,104- &1-. LangJesus

Neubauer, A., "On the Dialects Spoken in Palestine in the Time of Christ," in , Studia Members of the University of Oxford. Oxford: Clarendon, 1885. Pp. 39–74. LangJesus

Neubauer, A., "On the Dialects Spoken in Palestine in the Time of Christ," in , Studia Members of the University of Oxford, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1885. Pp. 39-74. LangJesus

Dilloo, F.W. J., De moedertaal van onzen heere Jesus Christus en van zyne Apostelen. . Amsterdam: , 1886. LangJesus

David, C., La langue parlée par N. S. Jésus-Christ sur la terre. . Paris: , 1889. LangJesus

Neubauer, A., "On Non-Hebrew Languages Used by the Jews." JQR 4 (1891): 9–19. LangJesus

Roberts, Alexander, A Short Proof that Greek Was The Language of Christ. . London and Paisley: A. Gardner, 1893. LangJesus

Resch, Alfred, Aussercanonische Paralleltexte zu den Evangelien gesammelt und untersucht. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur 10/1#2#3. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1893-94#1895#1896-97. LangJesus

Meyer, A., Jesu Muttersprache: Das galiläische Aramäisch in seiner Bedeutung für die Erklärung der Reden Jesu und der Evangelien Jesu und der Evangelien überhaupt. . Freiburg and Leipzig: J. C. B. Mohr, 1896. LangJesus JPA

Dalman, Gustaf, Die Worte Jesu, mit Berücksichtigung des nachkanonischen jüdischen Schrifttums und der aram. Sprache erörtert. . Leipzig: , 1898. LangJesus

Schultze, M., Grammatik der aramäschen Muttersprache Jesu. . Berlin: Calvary, 1899. LangJesus

Dalman, Gustaf, The Words of Jesus, Considered in the Light of Post-Biblical Jewish Writings and the Aramaic Language. . Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1902. LangJesus

Resch, Alfred, Agrapha: Aussercanonische Schriftfragments gesammelt und untersucht. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur 30/3-4. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1906. LangJesus

Young, J., "Language of Christ," in Hastings, J., ed., A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels. New York: Scribner's, 1909. Pp. 3–5. LangJesus

Young, J., "Language of Christ," in Hastings, J., A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, . New York: Scribner's, 1909. Pp. 2:3-5. LangJesus

Wellhausen, J., Einleitung in die drei ersten Evangelien. . Berlin: G. Reimer, 1911. LangJesus AramaicInGospels

Dalman, Gustaf, Jesus-Jeschua: Die drei Sprachen Jesu. . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1922. LangJesus

Dalman, C., Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen zu Jesus-Jeschua. . Leipzig: , 1929. LangJesus

Dalman, Gustaf, Jesus-Jeshua: Studies in the Gospels. . London: SPCK, 1929. LangJesus

Frà¸vig, D.A., "Det aramaiske Matteusskrift og voert greske Matteus-evangelium." TTK 2 (1931): 1–30. LangJesus

Fróvig, D. A., "Det aramaiske Matteusskrift og vaort greske Matteus-evangelium." TTK 2 (1931): 1–30. LangJesus

Fróvig, D. A., "Det aramaiske Matteusskrift og vaort greske Matteus-evangelium." TTK 2 (1931): 1–30. LangJesus

Fróvig, D. A., "Das Matthäusevangelium und die aramäische Matthäusschrift des Papias." NKZ 42 (1931): 344–90. LangJesus

Olmstead, A.T., "Could an Aramaic Gospel be Written." JNES 1 (1942): 41–75. LangJesus

Taylor, R.O. P., "Did Jesus Speak Aramaic?." ExpTim 56 (1944-1945): 95–97. LangJesus

Black, Matthew, "Aramaic Studies and the New Testament: The Unpublished Work of the Late A. J. Wensinck of Leyden." JTS 49 (1948): 157–65. New Testament LangJesus

Kahle, Paul E., "Das zur Zeit Jesu in Palästina gesprochene Aramäisch." TRu 17 (1948-49): 201–16. LangJesus Targums

Black, Matthew, "The Aramaic Spoken by Christ and Luke 14:5." JTS ns 1 (1950): 60–62. LangJesus

Cantineau, Jean, "Quelle langue parlait le peuple en Palestine au 1er siècle de notre ère." Sem 5 (1955): 99–101. LangJesus

Haag, H.M., "Um die Muttersprache Jesu." Schweizerische Mirchenzeitung 123 (1955): 141–42, 155-56. LangJesus

Eiss, W., "Zur gegenwärtigen aramaistischen Forschung." EvT 16 (1956): 170–81. LangJesus

Morag, Shelomo, "Until When Was Hebrew Spoken?." Leš 7-8 (1956): 3–10. LangJesus

Black, Matthew, "The Recovery of the Language of Jesus." NTS 3 (1956-1957): 305–13. 1QapGen LangJesus

Black, Matthew, "Die Erforschung der Muttersprache Jesu." TLZ 82 (1957): 653–68. 1QapGen LangJesus

Segert, S., "Aramäische Studien II: Zur Verbreitung des Aramäischen in Palästina zur Zeit Jesu." ArOr 25 (1957): 21–37. LangGen LangJesus

Nepper-Christensen, P., Das Matthäusevangelium: ein judenchristliches Evangelium. Acta Theologica Danica . Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, 1958. LangJesus

Kahle, Paul E., "Das palästinische Pentateuchtargum und das zur Zeit Jesu gesprochene Aramäisch." ZNW 49 (1958): 100–16. LangJesus Targums Tg.Neofiti

Nepper-Christensen, P., "Die sprachlichen Verhältnisse zu Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung," in , Das Matthäusevangelium: ein judenchristliches Evangelium, . Aarhus: , 1958. Pp. 101-35. LangJesus

Schürmann, H., "Die Sprache des Christus: Sprachliche Beobachtungen an den synoptischen Herrenworten." BZ N.F. 2 (1958): 54–84. LangJesus

Jeremias, J., "Die Muttersprache des Evangelisten Matthäus." ZNW 50 (1959): 270–74. LangJesus

Kahle, Paul E., "Das zur Zeit Jesu gesprochene Aramäisch: Erwiderung." ZNW 51 (1960): 55. LangJesus Targums

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Das zur Zeit Jesu gesprochene Aramäisch." ZNW 51 (1960): 46–54. LangJesus Targums

Hindley, J.C., "Our Lord's Aramaic--A Speculation." ExpTim 72 (1960-1961): 180–81. LangJesus

Díez Macho, A., La lengua hablada por Jesucristo. . Buenos Aires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1962. LangJesus

Dí­ez Macho, A., La lengua hablada por Jesucristo. . Buenos Aires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1962. LangJesus

Díez Macho, A., "La lengua hablada por Jesucristo." OrAn 2 (1963): 95–132. LangJesus

Dí­ez Macho, A., "La lengua hablada por Jesucristo." OrAnt 2 (1963): 95–132. LangJesus 4QtgLev 4Q156

Dí­ez Macho, A., "La lengua hablada por Jesucristo." OrAnt 2 (1963): 95–132. LangJesus 4QtgLev 4Q156

Black, Matthew, "Jesucristo, La lengua de," in , Enciclopedia de la Bíblia. Barcelona: Garriga, 1965. Pp. 518–25. LangJesus

Pax, J.M., "Historical Background of Christ's Polygot Palestine." BiTod 23 (1966): 1535–40. LangJesus

Ott, H., "Um die Muttersprache Jesu Forschungen seit Gustaf Dalman." NovT 9 (1967): 1–25. LangJesus

Black, Matthew, "Aramaic Studies and the Language of Jesus," in Black, Matthew and Fohrer, G., ed., In memoriam Paul Kahle, BZAW . Berlin: Töpelmann, 1968. Pp. 17–28. 1QapGen LangJesus

Black, Matthew, "Aramaic Studies and the Language of Jesus," in Black, Matthew//Fohrer, G., In memoriam Paul Kahle, BZAW 103. Berlin: A. Töpelmann, 1968. Pp. 17-28. LangJesus

Rüger, H.P., "Zum Problem der Sprache Jesu." ZNW 59 (1968): 113–22. LangJesus

Sole, F., "Il Paese di Gesà¹." Palestra del Clero 48 (1969): 296–305. LangJesus

Barr, J., "Which Language did Jesus Speak?--Some Remarks of a Semitist." BJRL 53 (1970): 9–29. LangJesus

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Languages of Palestine in the First Century A.D.." CBQ 32 (1970): 501–31. New Testament LangJesus

Dalman, Gustaf, Jesus-Jeshua: Studies in the Gospel. . New York: Ktav, 1971. LangJesus

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Es posible hoy reconstruir la lengua hablada por Jesucristo? A Propósito de la edición principe del Manuscrito de la Biblioteca Vaticana, Neofiti 1." Cultura bíblica 29 (1972): 323–30. LangJesus Tg.Neofiti

Sen, F., "La palabra y la lengua de Jesés: Y el mâs antiguo Targum." Cultura bíblica 29 (1972): 91–92. LangJesus

Lapide, P., "Insights from Qumran into the Language of Jesus." RevQ 8 (1972-1975): 483–501. LangJesus

Emerton, John Adney, "The Problem of Vernacular Hebrew in the First Century A.D. and the Language of Jesus." JTS ns 24 (1973): 1–23. LangJesus

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "La lengua de Jesús se usó en Espaà±a." Tierra Santa 52 (1977): 116–20. LangJesus

McNamara, M., "The Spoken Aramaic of First Century Palestine," in Mayes, A., ed., Church Ministry: Papers Read at the Meeting of the Irish Biblical Association in May 1973. Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1977. Pp. 95–138. LangJesus

McNamara, M., "The Spoken Aramaic of First Century Palestine," in Mayes, A., Church Ministry: Papers Read at the Meeting of the Irish Biblical Association in May 1973, . Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1977. Pp. 95-138. LangJesus

Tal, Abraham, "Levels in Palestinian Jewish Aramaic[Heb]." Leš 43 (1978-1979): 165–84. LangJesus JPA

Selby, G.R., Jesus, Aramaic & Greek. . Doncaster, UK: Brynmill, 1989. New Testament LangJesus

Lund, Jerome A., "The Language of Jesus." Mishkan 17-18 (1992-1993): 139–55. LangJesus

Jastrow, Otto, "Die "Sprache Jesu" lebt: In drei syrischen Dörfern wird Aramäisch gesprochen." Das heilige Land 125/1 (1993): 8–11. LangJesus ModAram

Macuch, Rudolf, "L'Importance de l'araméen samaritain pour la reconstruction de la langue maternelle de Jésus et des Apôtres," in Crown, A.D. and Davey, L., ed., New Samaritan Studies of the Société d'à‰tudes Samaritaines III and IV: Essays in Honour of G. D. Sixdenier, Studies in Judaica . Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing, 1995. Pp. 517–24. New Testament LangJesus Samar

Casey, P. Maurice, "In Which Language Did Jesus Teach?." ExpTim 108 (1996-1997): 326–28. LangJesus

Casey, P. Maurice, "Where Wright Is Wrong: A Critical Review of N. T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God." JSNT 69 (1998): 95–103. LangJesus

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "El trasfondo semítico del Nuevo Testamento y la lengua de Jesàºs de Nazaret." AO 16 (1998): 111–27. New Testament LangJesus Bibliog

Brown, J.P., "The Noun-Vocabulary of Jesus' Aramaic," in Evans, C.A., ed., The Interpretation of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity: Studies in Language and Tradition, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. Pp. 240–278. LangJesus

Eskhult, M. and Eskhult, J. , "The Language of Jesus and Related Questions: a Historical Survey." KUSATU 15 (2013): 315–73. LangJesus

Mengozzi, A., "‘Das zur Zeit Jesu in Palästina gesprochene Aramäisch’ by Paul Kahle: Research on Aramaic, Then and Today." Hen 36 (2014): 208–21. LangJesus

Ruzer, Serge, "Hebrew versus Aramaic as Jesus’ Language: Notes on Early Opinions by Syriac Authors," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 182-205. AramaicInGospels SyrLiter LangJesus

Wise, M.O., Language and Literacy in Roman Judaea: A Study of the Bar Kokhba Documents. . New Haven: Yale, 2015. BarKochba LangJesus Epist

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